How much does the rent cost you?
If you’re wondering why you have to spend money on digital work and ads, then better yet ask yourself “How should i calculate it?”
If you sell any type of products and you have an online presence, you probably went through a tough debate with yourself about whether paying a digital marketing agency money is worth it.
Let’s think of your online shop as a real store. If you’re picking a store, you’re going to choose it based on space, location, interior design, aesthetic and price.
All of that costs you much more money than an online store does, additionally it covers less grounds which means fewer potential buyers and pass-byes.
In an online store you can create the style that suits your brand, you have endless space for growth, and you control your own narrative. In addition, you cover any areas you want by targeted advertising. In all that process, you’re asked to pay a small fraction of what you pay to open a real store and somehow the idea doesn’t click with you yet.
Whether you have a small or a big budget, there is a right way to get the best outcome out of your advertising money. If you’re considering skipping the pay for digital ads, don’t.
Your business needs to show up. You need digital marketing services to help you establish a solid ground of awareness for your business, accordingly, creating a connection tunnel between you and your potential clients.
Small budget digital advertising needs you to be really picky. We draw the bigger picture strategy for your business then we help you create a priority list of services. We focus on delivering the urgent work through the media outlets that will perform best for your business, then we start to branch out with time to cover all the platforms your business needs to be fully established. The process of prioritizing is slower than integrating services; However, taking small steps towards your business objectives is important.
Large budgets allow you to launch powerfully through the market, in a fast, steady pace. In that case we draw a FastForward course of actions to establish your business digitally and enhance its audience at the same time, as we re-direct potentially interested customers to your business through different outlets, creating a strong bandwagon of traffic on your business’ pages on social platforms and websites.
No matter what your budget is, you need to be aware of the importance of digital establishment. During our lifetime, we’ve all heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” but in this digital era, it’s all about the cover.
It’s all about representation and we know how to represent.